utils.context_managers 源代码


- 上下文管理器
- 错误管理器

@Author pht
@Date 2022-07-04

from typing import Type, Tuple, Union

__all__ = [

DEFAULT_EXC_TYPE = AssertionError
ExceptionType = Type[BaseException]
TrappableException = Union[ExceptionType, Tuple[ExceptionType]]

[文档] class Checker: ''' 错误管理器 记录当前状态发生错误应当给出的提示信息,发生错误时抛出AssertionError 示例代码 ------- ``` try: with Checker(AssertionError) as checker: checker.assert_(1 == 1, '相等比较异常') value, div = 10, 0 checker.assert_(value > 0, '被除数应为正数', '除数为0') value /= div checker.set_output(f'不存在活跃度为{value}的同学') student = Person.objects.get(point=value) except AssertionError as e: content = wrong(str(e)) ``` ''' def __init__(self, untrapped: TrappableException = (), output: str = '发生了意料之外的错误,请检查输入') -> None: ''' :param untrapped: 不捕获的异常,直接抛出,需要精准匹配, defaults to () :type untrapped: Union[Type[Exception], Tuple[Type[Exception]]], optional :param output: 错误提示, defaults to '发生了意料之外的错误,请检查输入' :type output: str, optional ''' self.exc_type = DEFAULT_EXC_TYPE self.set_output(output) self.set_untrapped(untrapped)
[文档] def set_output(self, output: str): ''' 设置错误提示,当发生错误时,抛出对应提示的AssertionError :param output: 错误提示 :type output: str ''' self.output = output
[文档] def set_untrapped(self, exceptions: TrappableException = ()): ''' 设置不捕获的异常类型 :param exceptions: 直接抛出的异常类别,暂不支持子类, defaults to () :type exceptions: Union[Type[Exception], Tuple[Type[Exception]]], optional ''' try: assert issubclass(exceptions, Exception) exceptions = (exceptions, ) except: pass self.untrapped = tuple(exceptions)
[文档] def assert_(self, expr, output: str = None, next: str = None): ''' 断言,可设置本步和下一步的错误提示,用于无异常的简单表达式 :param expr: 支持__bool__的表达式值 :param output: 本步的错误提示, defaults to None :type output: str, optional :param next: 本步成功后接下来的错误提示, defaults to None :type next: str, optional ''' if output is not None: self.set_output(output) assert expr, self.output if next is not None: self.set_output(next)
def __enter__(self): '''上下文管理器的返回值,即自身''' return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback) -> bool: ''' 若发生了异常且希望屏蔽异常,返回True 若未发生异常,参数为三个None,无需提供返回值 ''' if exc_type is None: return True if exc_type in self.untrapped: return False raise self.exc_type(self.output)