import types
from typing import (
Optional, Any, Callable, Generic,
TypeVar, Type, Literal, overload
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
class Config:
def __init__(self, source: 'Config | dict[str, Any]', dict_prefix: str = ''):
if isinstance(source, Config):
self._root_conf = source._root_conf
elif isinstance(source, dict):
self._root_conf = source
if dict_prefix:
self._root_conf: dict[str, Any] = self._root_conf[dict_prefix]
def activate_all(self, sub_config: bool = True):
for name in dir(self):
if name.startswith('_'):
attr = getattr(self, name)
if sub_config and isinstance(attr, Config):
T = TypeVar('T')
class LazySetting(Generic[T]):
class AppConfig(Config):
# 由语言服务器自动推断类型
value = LazySetting('value', default=0)
op1 = LazySetting('op1', int)
op2 = LazySetting('op2', int, default=0)
# 也可以使用type指定类型,写法建议参考`LazySetting.checkable_type`的文档
assert_d = LazySetting('value/dict', type=dict)
i_or_s = LazySetting('value/i_or_s', type=(int, str))
assert_ls = LazySetting('value/ls', type=list[str])
tuple = LazySetting('value/tuple', type=tuple[int, str])
config = AppConfig()
# 自动推断的类型
config.value: int
config.op1: int | None
config.op2: int
# 用type指定的类型
config.assert_d: dict
config.i_or_s: int | str # 检查是否为int或str
list[str], tuple[int, str] # 检查是否为列表,元组等,不检查元素类型
:raises ImproperlyConfigured: 配置最终值不匹配期望类型
class TypeCheck: '默认类型检查,忽略默认值'
_real_type = type
def __init__(self, source: 'str | LazySetting[Any]', /,
trans_fn: Optional[Callable[[Any], T]] = None,
default: T = None, *,
type: Optional[Type[T|TypeCheck] | tuple[Type[T], ...]] = None) -> None:
:param source: 配置路径或来源,路径以'/'分隔,加载项应在同一类内使用,否则行为未定义
:type source: str | LazySetting
:param trans_fn: 转换函数,将配置值转换为最终值,defaults to None
:type trans_fn: Callable[[Any], T], optional
:param default: 默认值, defaults to None
:type default: T, optional
:param type: 最终值类型,参考`checkable_type`的文档,
None时按其他参数推断,TypeCheck时忽略default,defaults to None
:type type: Type[T] | tuple[Type[T], ...], optional
self.source = source
self.trans_fn = trans_fn
self.default = default
if type is None or type is LazySetting.TypeCheck:
if default is not None and not isinstance(default, self._real_type):
self.type = self.checkable_type(self._real_type(default))
elif isinstance(trans_fn, self._real_type):
or_none = type is None and default is None
self.type = self.checkable_type(trans_fn, or_none=or_none)
self.type = None
self.type = self.checkable_type(type)
# 为了支持更准确的泛型类型提示,重载 __new__ 方法
# 无参数时,标注为Any
def __new__( # type: ignore
self, # type: ignore
source: str,
) -> 'LazySetting[Any | None]': ...
def __new__( # type: ignore
self, # type: ignore
source: 'LazySetting[T]',
) -> 'LazySetting[T]': ...
def __new__( # type: ignore
self, # type: ignore
source: 'str | LazySetting',
trans_fn: Optional[Callable[[Any], T]] = None,
default: T = None,
) -> 'LazySetting[T]': ...
# TypeCheck时,忽略default=None类型
def __new__( # type: ignore
self, # type: ignore
source: 'str | LazySetting',
trans_fn: Callable[[Any], T] = ...,
default: Literal[None] = ...,
type: Type[TypeCheck] = ...,
) -> 'LazySetting[T]': ...
# 否则正常检查(但这个时候为什么要传入type=TypeCheck呢?)
def __new__( # type: ignore
self, # type: ignore
source: 'str | LazySetting',
trans_fn: Optional[Callable[[Any], T]] = ...,
default: T = ...,
type: Type[TypeCheck] = ...,
) -> 'LazySetting[T]': ...
# 提供type参数时,忽略default类型,无论如何都标注为该类型
def __new__( # type: ignore
self, # type: ignore
source: 'str | LazySetting',
trans_fn: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = ...,
default: Any = ...,
type: Type[T] | tuple[Type[T], ...] = ...,
) -> 'LazySetting[T]': ...
# 必须要有这个重载,否则会报错
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): # type: ignore
return super().__new__(cls)
_CheckableType = type | types.UnionType | tuple['_CheckableType', ...]
_AvailableType = _CheckableType | None
def checkable_type(self, type: Any | None, or_none: bool = False) -> _AvailableType:
- `list[int] | ...` 极不推荐,无法检查,无法提示,应尽量避免
- `list[int]` 只能进行简单检查,无法检查列表内的元素类型
- `int | str`或`Union[int, str]` IDE无法正确提示类型,应使用`(int, str)`
- `tuple[...]` 默认的JSON解析器会将元组解析为列表,务必提供tuple转化函数
FAT := AT | TF # final available type
TF: tuple[CT, ...] := ... # tuple of checkable types
AT := CT | None # available type
CT := RT | UT # checkable type
RT := RNT | RGT # raw type
RNT := RBT | _RNT # raw normal type
RBT := int | str | float | bool # buildin types
| list | dict | set | tuple | ...
_RNT := types.NoneType | any class # normal class & NoneType
RGT := List | Dict | Set | Tuple | ... # generic types
UT := UNT | UGA # union type
_N := _NT | None
_NT := RNT | UNT | Optional[None]
UNT := _N '|' RNT | _NT '|' None # union normal types
_GT := RGT | UGA
UGA := Optional[CT] | Union[CT, AT{, AT}] # union generic alias
| _GT '|' AT | _N '|' _GT
:param type: 上文所定义的FAT形式
:type type: Any | None,如果希望检查,则应该是_CheckableType
:return: 可用于检查的类型
:rtype: _CheckableType | None
if type is None:
return None
if or_none:
return self._or_none(self.checkable_type(type, or_none=False))
# 符合FAT定义的_CheckableType都能通过isinstance检查
isinstance(None, type)
return type
# 可能进行了泛型参数化,尝试回退到原始类型
# __origin__只支持实例化CT, ParamSpecArgs, ParamSpecKwargs
# 后两种可通过isinstance排除
origin = type.__origin__
isinstance(None, origin)
return origin
return None
def _or_none(checkable_type: _AvailableType)-> _AvailableType:
if checkable_type is None:
return None
if isinstance(checkable_type, tuple):
return (type(None),) + checkable_type
return type(None) | checkable_type
def __get__(self, instance: None, owner: Any) -> 'LazySetting[T]': ...
def __get__(self, instance: Config, owner: Any) -> T: ...
def __get__(self, instance: Any, owner: Any) -> 'LazySetting[T]': ...
def __get__(self, instance: Any, owner: Any):
if instance is None or not isinstance(instance, Config):
return self
# 此处假设一个类只会有一个实例,否则需要建立dict来存储不同实例的值
if hasattr(self, '_data'):
return self._data
self._data = self.resolve(instance._root_conf)
return self._data
def resolve(self, d: dict[str, Any]) -> T:
if isinstance(self.source, LazySetting):
value = self.source.resolve(d)
value = self.__walk_dict(self.source, d)
if value is None:
value = self.default
elif self.trans_fn is not None:
value = self.trans_fn(value)
return value
def check_type(self, value: Any) -> bool:
if self.type is None:
return True
if not isinstance(value, self.type): # type: ignore Why?
raise ImproperlyConfigured(
f'Config value {self.source} should be {self.type}, '
f'but got {type(value)}'
return True
def _get_path(self) -> str:
if isinstance(self.source, LazySetting):
return self.source._get_path()
return self.source
def __str__(self) -> str:
if self.type is None:
return f'LazySetting({self._get_path()})'
return f'LazySetting({self._get_path()}: {self.type})'
def __walk_dict(path: str, d: dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[T]:
paths = path.strip("/").split("/")
current_dir = d
for query in paths:
if query in current_dir:
current_dir = current_dir[query]
return None
return current_dir # type: ignore