app.utils 源代码

import string
import random
import urllib.parse
from io import BytesIO
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from functools import wraps
from typing import cast, overload, Literal

import xlwt
import imghdr
from django.contrib import auth
from django.shortcuts import redirect
from utils.http.dependency import HttpResponse, HttpRequest, UserRequest

from utils.http.utils import get_ip
from app.utils_dependency import *
from app.log import logger
from app.models import (

[文档] def check_user_access(redirect_url="/logout/", is_modpw=False): """ Decorator for views that checks that the user is valid, redirecting to specific url if necessary. Then it checks that the user is not first time login, redirecting to the modify password page otherwise. """ def actual_decorator(view_function): @wraps(view_function) def _wrapped_view(request: UserRequest, *args, **kwargs): if not request.user.is_valid(): return redirect(redirect_url) # 如果是首次登陆,会跳转到用户须知的页面 if request.user.is_newuser: if request.session.get('confirmed') != 'yes': return redirect("/agreement/") if not is_modpw: return redirect('/modpw/') return view_function(request, *args, **kwargs) return _wrapped_view return actual_decorator
# TODO: Handle ip blocking _block_ips = set()
[文档] def block_attack(view_function): @wraps(view_function) def _wrapped_view(request: HttpRequest, *args, **kwargs): ip = get_ip(request) if ip in _block_ips: return HttpResponse(status=403) return view_function(request, *args, **kwargs) return _wrapped_view
[文档] def record_attack(except_type=None, as_attack=False): '''临时用于拦截ip的装饰器,在用户验证层下、错误捕获层上,需要整理本函数至其他位置''' # TODO: 重构代码,调整本函数位置 if except_type is None: except_type = () def actual_decorator(view_function): @block_attack @wraps(view_function) def _wrapped_view(request: HttpRequest, *args, **kwargs): ip = get_ip(request) is_attack, err = False, None try: return view_function(request, *args, **kwargs) except except_type as e: is_attack, err = as_attack, e except Exception as e: is_attack, err = not as_attack, e finally: if err is not None: if not is_attack: raise err _block_ips.add(ip) return HttpResponse(status=403) return _wrapped_view return actual_decorator
@overload def get_classified_user( user: User, user_type: Literal[User.Type.PERSON], *, update: bool = False, activate: bool = False ) -> NaturalPerson: ... @overload def get_classified_user( user: User, user_type: Literal[User.Type.ORG], *, update: bool = False, activate: bool = False ) -> Organization: ... @overload def get_classified_user( user: User, user_type: str | None = ..., *, update: bool = False, activate: bool = False ) -> ClassifiedUser: ...
[文档] def get_classified_user(user: User, user_type: str | User.Type | None = None, *, update=False, activate=False) -> ClassifiedUser: '''获取基础用户对应的用户对象 Args: user(User): 用户对象 user_type(str, optional): 用来指定模型类型,非法值抛出`AssertionError` Keyword Args: update(bool, optional): 获取带锁的对象,需要在事务中调用 activate(bool, optional): 只获取活跃的用户,由对应的模型管理器检查 Returns: ClassifiedUser: 用户实例 Raises: AssertionError: 非法的用户类型 DoesNotExist: 用户不存在,当用户是合法用户且不筛选时,可假设不抛出此异常 ''' model = None if user_type is None: if user.is_person(): model = NaturalPerson elif user.is_org(): model = Organization elif user_type in User.Type.Persons(): model = NaturalPerson elif user_type == UTYPE_ORG: model = Organization if model is None: raise AssertionError(f"非法的用户类型:“{user_type}”") return model.objects.get_by_user(user, update=update, activate=activate)
# 保持之前的函数名接口 get_person_or_org = get_classified_user
[文档] def get_user_ava(obj: ClassifiedUser): try: return obj.get_user_ava() except: # TODO: get_user_ava不是必要方法,添加新类型时,如果未实现请修改 raise AssertionError('任何用户都应该有对应的头像!')
[文档] def get_user_wallpaper(person: ClassifiedUser): if person.get_user().is_person(): return MEDIA_URL + (str(person.wallpaper) or "wallpaper/person_wall_default.jpg") else: return MEDIA_URL + (str(person.wallpaper) or "wallpaper/org_wall_default.jpg")
# 检验是否要展示如何分享信息的帮助,预期只在stuinfo, orginfo, viewActivity使用
[文档] def get_inform_share(me: ClassifiedUser, is_myself=True): alert_message = "" if is_myself and me.inform_share: alert_message = ("【关于分享】:如果你在使用手机浏览器," + "可以使用浏览器自带的分享来分享你的主页或者活动主页," + "或者可以选择将其在微信/朋友圈中打开并分享。") # me.inform_share = False # return True, alert_message return False, alert_message
[文档] def get_sidebar_and_navbar(user: User, navbar_name="", title_name=""): ''' YWolfeee Aug 16 修改left siderbar的逻辑,统一所有个人和所有小组的左边栏,不随界面而改变 这个函数负责统一get sidebar和navbar的内容,解决了信箱条数显示的问题 user对象是request.user对象直接转移 内容存储在bar_display中 Attention: 本函数请在render前的最后时刻调用 added by syb, 8.23: 在函数中添加了title_name和navbar_name参数,根据这两个参数添加帮助信息 现在最推荐的调用方式是:在views的函数中,写 bar_display = utils.get_sidebar_and_navbar(user, title_name, navbar_name) ''' bar_display = {} _utype = "" if user.is_person(): _utype = "Person" elif user.is_org(): _utype = "Organization" else: # TODO: 支持未认证用户 raise AssertionError(f"非法的用户类型:“{_utype}”") me = get_person_or_org(user) # 获得对应的对象 bar_display["user_type"] = _utype if user.is_staff: bar_display["is_staff"] = True bar_display["user_active"] = # 接下来填补各种前端呈现信息 # 头像 bar_display["avatar_path"] = get_user_ava(me) # 信箱数量 bar_display["mail_num"] = Notification.objects.filter( receiver=user, status=Notification.Status.UNDONE ).count() if user.is_person(): me = cast(NaturalPerson, me) bar_display.update( profile_name="个人主页", profile_url="/stuinfo/", name=me.get_display_name(), person_type=me.identity, is_auditor=me.is_teacher(), ) elif user.is_org(): me = cast(Organization, me) bar_display.update( profile_name="小组主页", profile_url="/orginfo/", is_course=me.otype.otype_name == CONFIG.course.type_name, ) # 个人组织都可以预约 # 页面标题默认与侧边栏相同 bar_display.update( underground_url=get_underground_site_url(), navbar_name=navbar_name, title_name=title_name if title_name else navbar_name, ) if navbar_name: help_key = navbar_name if help_key == "我的元气值": help_key += _utype.lower() help_info = Help.objects.filter(title=navbar_name).first() bar_display.update( help_message=CONFIG.help_message.get(help_key, ""), help_paragraphs=help_info.content if help_info is not None else "", ) return bar_display
[文档] def site_match(site, url, path_check_level=0, scheme_check=False): '''检查是否是同一个域名,也可以检查路径是否相同 - path_check_level: 0-2, 不检查/忽视末尾斜杠/完全相同 - scheme_check: bool, 协议是否相同 ''' site = urllib.parse.urlparse(site) url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) if site.netloc != url.netloc: return False if scheme_check and site.scheme != url.scheme: return False if path_check_level: spath, upath = site.path, url.path if path_check_level > 1: spath, upath = spath.rstrip('/'), upath.rstrip('/') if spath != upath: return False return True
[文档] def get_std_url(arg_url: str, site_url: str, path_dir=None, match_func=None): ''' 检查是否匹配,返回(is_match, standard_url),匹配时规范化url,否则返回原url Args ---- - arg_url: 需要判断的url或者None,后者返回(False, site_url) - site_url: 规范的网址,其scheme, netloc和path部分被用于参考 - path_dir: 需要保持一致的路径部分,默认为空 - match_func: 检查匹配的函数,默认为site_match(site_url, arg_url) ''' if match_func is None: match_func = lambda x: site_match(site_url, x) if arg_url is None: return False, site_url if match_func(arg_url): site_parse = urllib.parse.urlparse(site_url) arg_parse = urllib.parse.urlparse(arg_url) def in_dir(path, path_dir): return path.startswith(path_dir) or path == path_dir.rstrip('/') std_path = arg_parse.path if path_dir: if (in_dir(site_parse.path, path_dir) and not in_dir(std_path, path_dir)): std_path = path_dir.rstrip('/') + std_path elif (not in_dir(site_parse.path, path_dir) and in_dir(std_path, path_dir)): std_path = std_path.split(path_dir.rstrip('/'), 1)[1] std_parse = [ site_parse.scheme, site_parse.netloc, std_path, arg_parse.params, arg_parse.query, arg_parse.fragment, ] arg_url = urllib.parse.urlunparse(std_parse) return True, arg_url return False, arg_url
[文档] def get_underground_site_url(): from django.urls import reverse return reverse('Appointment:root')
[文档] def get_std_underground_url(underground_url): '''检查是否是地下室网址,返回(is_underground, standard_url) - 如果是,规范化网址,否则返回原URL - 如果参数为None,返回URL为地下室网址''' # TODO: raise DeprecationWarning('不再兼容多网址') site_url = get_underground_site_url() return get_std_url(underground_url, site_url) if underground_url is None: underground_url = site_url if site_match(site_url, underground_url): underground_url = urllib.parse.urlunparse( urllib.parse.urlparse(site_url)[:2] + urllib.parse.urlparse(underground_url)[2:]) return True, underground_url return False, underground_url
[文档] def get_url_params(request, html_display): raise NotImplementedError full_path = request.get_full_path() if "?" in full_path: params = full_path.split["?"][1] params = params.split["&"] for param in params: key, value = param.split["="][0], param.split["="][1] if key not in html_display.keys(): # 禁止覆盖 html_display[key] = value
[文档] def if_image(image): '''判断是否为图片''' if image is None: return 0 imgType_list = {"jpg", "bmp", "png", "jpeg", "rgb", "tif"} if imghdr.what(image) in imgType_list: return 2 # 为图片 return 1 # 不是图片
[文档] def random_code_init(seed): '''用于新建小组时,根据种子生成6位伪随机密码(如果种子可知则密码可知)''' b = string.digits + string.ascii_letters # 构建密码池 random.seed(seed) password = ''.join(random.choices(b, k=6)) return password
[文档] def get_captcha(request, username, valid_seconds=None, more_info=False): ''' noexcept - username: 学号/小组号, 不一定对应request.user(此时应尚未登录) - valid_seconds: float or None, None表示不设置有效期 ->captcha: str | (captcha, expired, old) if more_info ''' expired = False captcha = request.session.get("captcha", "") old = captcha received_user = request.session.get("received_user", "") valid_from = request.session.get("captcha_create_time", "") if len(captcha) != 6 or username != received_user: old = "" expired = True elif valid_seconds is not None: try: valid_from = datetime.strptime(valid_from, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") assert datetime.utcnow() <= valid_from + timedelta(seconds=valid_seconds) except: expired = True if expired: # randint包含端点,randrange不包含 captcha = random.randrange(1000000) captcha = f"{captcha:06}" return (captcha, expired, old) if more_info else captcha
[文档] def set_captcha_session(request, username, captcha): '''noexcept''' utcnow = datetime.utcnow() request.session["received_user"] = username request.session["captcha_create_time"] = utcnow.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") request.session["captcha"] = captcha
[文档] def clear_captcha_session(request): '''noexcept''' request.session.pop("captcha", None) request.session.pop("captcha_create_time", None) # 验证码只能登录一次 request.session.pop("received_user", None) # 成功登录后不再保留
[文档] def check_account_setting(request: UserRequest): if request.user.is_person(): html_display = dict() attr_dict = dict() html_display['warn_code'] = 0 html_display['warn_message'] = "" attr_dict['nickname'] = request.POST["nickname"] attr_dict['biography'] = request.POST["aboutBio"] attr_dict['telephone'] = request.POST["tel"] attr_dict['email'] = request.POST["email"] attr_dict['stu_major'] = request.POST["major"] # attr_dict['stu_grade'] = request.POST['grade'] 用户无法填写 # attr_dict['stu_class'] = request.POST['class'] 用户无法填写 attr_dict['stu_dorm'] = request.POST['dorm'] attr_dict['ava'] = request.FILES.get("avatar") attr_dict['gender'] = request.POST['gender'] attr_dict['birthday'] = request.POST['birthday'] attr_dict['accept_promote'] = request.POST['accept_promote'] attr_dict['wechat_receive_level'] = request.POST['wechat_receive_level'] attr_dict['wallpaper'] = request.FILES.get("wallpaper") show_dict = dict() show_dict['show_nickname'] = request.POST.get('show_nickname') == 'on' show_dict['show_gender'] = request.POST.get('show_gender') == 'on' show_dict['show_birthday'] = request.POST.get('show_birthday') == 'on' show_dict['show_tel'] = request.POST.get('show_tel') == 'on' show_dict['show_email'] = request.POST.get('show_email') == 'on' show_dict['show_major'] = request.POST.get('show_major') == 'on' show_dict['show_dorm'] = request.POST.get('show_dorm') == 'on' # 合法性检查 """if len(attr_dict['nickname']) > 20: html_display['warn_code'] = 1 html_display['warn_message'] += "输入的昵称过长,不能超过20个字符哦!" """ if len(attr_dict['biography']) > 1024: html_display['warn_code'] = 1 html_display['warn_message'] += "输入的简介过长,不能超过1024个字符哦!" if len(attr_dict['stu_major']) > 25: html_display['warn_code'] = 1 html_display['warn_message'] += "输入的专业过长,不能超过25个字符哦!" if len(attr_dict['stu_dorm']) > 6: html_display['warn_code'] = 1 html_display['warn_message'] += "输入的宿舍过长,不能超过6个字符哦!" else: html_display = dict() attr_dict = dict() show_dict = dict() html_display['warn_code'] = 0 html_display['warn_message'] = "" attr_dict['introduction'] = request.POST['introduction'] attr_dict['tags_modify'] = request.POST['tags_modify'] return attr_dict, show_dict, html_display
# 导出Excel文件
[文档] def export_activity(activity, inf_type): # 设置HTTPResponse的类型 response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/') if activity is None: return response response['Content-Disposition'] = f'attachment;filename={activity.title}.xls' participants: QuerySet[Participation] = SQ.sfilter(Participation.activity, activity) if inf_type == "sign": # 签到信息 participants = participants.filter(status=Participation.AttendStatus.ATTENDED) elif inf_type == "enroll": # 报名信息 participants = participants.exclude(status=Participation.AttendStatus.CANCELED) else: return response """导出excel表""" if len(participants) > 0: # 创建工作簿 ws = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='utf-8') # 添加第一页数据表 w = ws.add_sheet('sheet1') # 新建sheet(sheet的名称为"sheet1") # 写入表头 w.write(0, 0, u'姓名') w.write(0, 1, u'学号') w.write(0, 2, u'年级/班级') if inf_type == "enroll": w.write(0, 3, u'报名状态') w.write(0, 4, u'注:报名状态为“已参与”时表示报名成功并成功签到,“未签到”表示报名成功但未签到,' u'"已报名"表示报名成功,“活动申请失败”表示在抽签模式中落选,“申请中”则表示抽签尚未开始。') # 写入数据 excel_row = 1 for participant in participants: name = Sno = participant.person.person_id.username grade = str(participant.person.stu_grade) + '级' + \ str(participant.person.stu_class) + '班' if inf_type == "enroll": status = participant.status w.write(excel_row, 3, status) # 写入每一行对应的数据 w.write(excel_row, 0, name) w.write(excel_row, 1, Sno) w.write(excel_row, 2, grade) excel_row += 1 # 写出到IO output = BytesIO() # 重新定位到开始 response.write(output.getvalue()) return response
# 导出小组成员信息Excel文件
[文档] def export_orgpos_info(org): # 设置HTTPResponse的类型 response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/') if org is None: return response response['Content-Disposition'] = f'attachment;filename=小组{org.oname}成员信息.xls' participants = Position.objects.activated().filter( org=org).filter(status=Position.Status.INSERVICE) """导出excel表""" if len(participants) > 0: # 创建工作簿 ws = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='utf-8') # 添加第一页数据表 w = ws.add_sheet('sheet1') # 新建sheet(sheet的名称为"sheet1") # 写入表头 w.write(0, 0, u'姓名') w.write(0, 1, u'学号') w.write(0, 2, u'职位') # 写入数据 excel_row = 1 for participant in participants: name = Sno = participant.person.person_id.username pos = org.otype.get_name(participant.pos) # 写入每一行对应的数据 w.write(excel_row, 0, name) w.write(excel_row, 1, Sno) w.write(excel_row, 2, pos) excel_row += 1 # 写出到IO output = BytesIO() # 重新定位到开始 response.write(output.getvalue()) return response
[文档] def escape_for_templates(text: str): return text.strip().replace("\r", "").replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("\n", "\\n").replace("\"", "\\\"")
[文档] def record_modification(user: User, info=""): try: obj = get_person_or_org(user) name = obj.get_display_name() firsttime = not user.modify_records.exists() ModifyRecord.objects.create( user=user, usertype=user.utype, name=name, info=info) return firsttime except: return None
[文档] def get_modify_rank(user: User): try: records = user.modify_records.all() if not records: return -1 first = records.order_by('time')[0] rank = ModifyRecord.objects.filter( usertype=user.utype, time__lte=first.time, ).values('user').distinct().count() return rank except: return -1
[文档] def record_modify_with_session(request: UserRequest, info=""): try: recorded = record_modification(request.user, info) if recorded == True: rank = get_modify_rank(request.user) info_rank = CONFIG.max_inform_rank.get(request.user.utype, -1) if rank > -1 and rank <= info_rank: msg = ( f'您是第{rank}名修改账号信息的' + ('个人' if request.user.is_person() else '小组') + '用户!保留此截图可在游园会兑换奖励!' ) request.session['alert_message'] = msg except: pass
[文档] @logger.secure_func(raise_exc=True) def user_login_org(request: UserRequest, org: Organization) -> MESSAGECONTEXT: ''' 令人疑惑的函数,需要整改 尝试从用户登录到org指定的组织,如果不满足权限,则会返回wrong 返回wrong或succeed,并更新request.user ''' user = request.user try: assert user.is_person() me = NaturalPerson.objects.get_by_user(user, activate=True) except: return wrong("您没有权限访问该网址!请用对应小组账号登陆。") # 是小组一把手 try: position = Position.objects.activated().filter(org=org, person=me) assert len(position) == 1 position = position[0] assert position.is_admin except: return wrong("没有登录到该小组账户的权限!") # 到这里, 是本人小组并且有权限登录 auth.logout(request) auth.login(request, org.get_user()) # 切换到小组账号 update_related_account_in_session(request, user.username, oname=org.oname) return succeed("成功切换到小组账号处理该事务,建议事务处理完成后退出小组账号。")