app.extern.wechat 源代码



from datetime import timedelta

from extern.wechat import send_wechat, DEFAULT_URL
from app.extern.config import (
    notification_wechat_config as CONFIG,
    Levels as WechatMessageLevel,
    Apps as WechatApp,
from app.models import NaturalPerson, Organization, Notification, Position
from app.utils import get_person_or_org
import utils.models.query as SQ
from utils.http.utils import build_full_url
from app.log import logger

__all__ = [
    'WechatApp', 'WechatMessageLevel',
    'publish_notification', 'publish_notifications',

def app2path(app: str) -> str:
    url = CONFIG.app2url.get(app)
    if url is None:
        url = CONFIG.app2url.get('default', '')
    return url

def _get_default_level(typename, instance=None) -> int:
    if typename == 'notification':
        if (instance is not None and
            instance.typename == Notification.Type.NEEDDO):
            # 处理类通知默认等级较高
            return WechatMessageLevel.IMPORTANT
        return WechatMessageLevel.INFO
        return WechatMessageLevel.INFO

def _get_default_app(typename, instance=None) -> str:
    if typename == 'activity':
        return WechatApp._PROMOTE
    elif typename == 'notification':
        if (instance is not None and
            instance.title == Notification.Title.ACTIVITY_INFORM):
            return WechatApp._PROMOTE
        return WechatApp._MESSAGE
        return WechatApp.NORMAL

def can_send(person, level=None):
    if level is not None and level < person.wechat_receive_level:
        return False
    return True

def org2receivers(org, level=None, force=True):
    managers = Position.objects.activated().filter(org=org, is_admin=True)
    # 提供等级时,不小于接收等级
    if level is not None:
        receivers = managers.filter(person__wechat_receive_level__lte=level)
        if not receivers.exists() and force:
            receivers = managers.filter(pos=0)
        managers = receivers
    return SQ.qsvlist(managers, Position.person, NaturalPerson.person_id, 'username')

def user2receivers(user, level=None, get_obj=False):
    receiver = get_person_or_org(user)
    if isinstance(receiver, NaturalPerson):
        wechat_receivers = [user.username] if can_send(receiver, level) else []
        wechat_receivers = org2receivers(receiver, level)
    if get_obj:
        return wechat_receivers, receiver
    return wechat_receivers

def get_person_receivers(all_receiver_ids, level=None):
    receivers = NaturalPerson.objects.activated().filter(
        SQ.sq([NaturalPerson.person_id, 'in'], all_receiver_ids))
    # 提供等级时,不小于接收等级
    if level is not None:
        receivers = receivers.filter(wechat_receive_level__lte=level)
    return SQ.qsvlist(receivers, NaturalPerson.person_id, 'username')

[文档] @logger.secure_func(fail_value=False) def publish_notification(notification_or_id, show_source=True, app=None, level=None): """ 根据单个通知或id(实际是主键)向通知的receiver发送 别创建了好多通知然后循环调用这个,批量发送用publish_notifications - show_source: bool, 显示消息来源 默认显示 - app: str | WechatApp宏, 确定发送的应用 请推广类消息务必注意 - level: int | WechatMessageLevel宏, 用于筛选用户 推广类消息可以不填 """ try: if isinstance(notification_or_id, Notification): notification = notification_or_id else: notification = Notification.objects.get(pk=notification_or_id) except: raise ValueError("未找到该id的通知") if app is None or app == WechatApp.DEFAULT: app = _get_default_app('notification', notification) check_block = app not in CONFIG.unblock_apps url = notification.URL if url and url[0] == "/": # 相对路径变为绝对路径 url = build_full_url(url) title = notification.get_title_display() messages = [] if len(notification.content) < 120: # 卡片类型消息最多显示256字节 # 因留白等原因,内容120字左右就超出了 kws = {"card": True} if show_source: sender = get_person_or_org(notification.sender) # 通知内容暂时也一起去除了 messages += [f'发送者:{str(sender)}', '通知内容:'] messages += [notification.content] if url: kws["url"] = url kws["btntxt"] = "查看详情" else: # 超出卡片字数范围的消息使用文本格式发送 kws = {"card": False} messages.append('') if show_source: sender = get_person_or_org(notification.sender) # 通知内容暂时也一起去除了 messages += ['发送者:' + f'{str(sender)}', '通知内容:'] messages += [notification.content] if url: messages += ['', f'<a href="{url}">阅读原文</a>'] else: messages += ['', f'<a href="{DEFAULT_URL}">查看详情</a>'] # 获取完整消息 message = '\n'.join(messages) if check_block and (level is None or level == WechatMessageLevel.DEFAULT): # 考虑屏蔽时,获得默认行为的消息等级 level = _get_default_level('notification', notification) elif not check_block: # 不屏蔽时,消息等级设置为空 level = None # 获取接受者列表 wechat_receivers, receiver = user2receivers(notification.receiver, level, get_obj=True) if isinstance(receiver, Organization): # 小组 # 转发小组消息给其负责人 message += f'\n消息来源:{str(receiver)},请切换到该小组账号进行操作。' if not wechat_receivers: # 没有人接收 return True send_wechat(wechat_receivers, title, message, api_path=app2path(app), **kws) return True
[文档] @logger.secure_func(fail_value=False) def publish_notifications( notifications_or_ids=None, filter_kws=None, exclude_kws=None, show_source=True, app=None, level=None, *, check=True ) -> bool: """ 批量发送通知,选取筛选后范围内所有与最新通知发送者等相同、且内容结尾一致的通知 如果能保证这些通知全都一致,可以要求不检查 Argument -------- - notifications_or_ids: QuerySet | List or Tuple[notification with id] | Iter[id] | None, 通知基本范围, 别问参数类型为什么这么奇怪,问就是django不统一 - filter_kws: dict | None, 这些参数将被直接传递给filter函数 - exclude_kws: dict | None, 这些参数将被直接传递给exclude函数 - 以上参数不能都为空 - show_source: bool, 显示消息来源 默认显示 - app: str | WechatApp宏, 确定发送的应用 请推广类消息务必注意 - level: int | WechatMessageLevel宏, 用于筛选用户 推广类消息可以不填 Keyword-Only ------------ - check: bool, default=True, 是否检查最终筛选结果的相关性 Returns ------- - success: bool, 是否尝试了发送,出错时返回False """ if notifications_or_ids is None and filter_kws is None and exclude_kws is None: raise ValueError("必须至少传入一个有效参数才能发布通知到微信!") try: notifications = Notification.objects.all() if notifications_or_ids is not None: if (isinstance(notifications_or_ids, (list, tuple)) and notifications_or_ids and isinstance(notifications_or_ids[0], Notification) ): notifications_or_ids = [ for n in notifications_or_ids] notifications = notifications.filter(id__in=notifications_or_ids) if filter_kws is not None: notifications = notifications.filter(**filter_kws) if exclude_kws is not None: notifications = notifications.exclude(**exclude_kws) notifications = notifications.order_by("-start_time") except: raise ValueError("必须至少传入一个有效参数才能发布通知到微信!") total_ct = len(notifications) if total_ct == 0: return True try: latest_notification = notifications[0] sender = latest_notification.sender typename = latest_notification.typename title = latest_notification.title content = latest_notification.content content_start = content[:10] content_end = content[-10:] url = latest_notification.URL if check: send_time = latest_notification.start_time before_5min = send_time - timedelta(minutes=5) # 最多差5分钟 notifications = notifications.filter( sender=sender, typename=typename, title=title, start_time__gte=before_5min, content__startswith=content_start, content__endswith=content_end, URL=url, ) except: raise Exception("检查失败,发生了未知错误,这里不该发生异常") if url and url[0] == "/": # 相对路径变为绝对路径 url = build_full_url(url) title = latest_notification.get_title_display() messages = [] if len(latest_notification.content) < 120: # 卡片类型消息最多显示256字节 # 因留白等原因,内容120字左右就超出了 kws = {"card": True} if show_source: sender = get_person_or_org(latest_notification.sender) # 通知内容暂时也一起去除了 messages += [f'发送者:{str(sender)}', '通知内容:'] messages += [latest_notification.content] if url: kws["url"] = url kws["btntxt"] = "查看详情" else: # 超出卡片字数范围的消息使用文本格式发送 kws = {"card": False} messages.append('') if show_source: sender = get_person_or_org(latest_notification.sender) # 通知内容暂时也一起去除了 messages += ['发送者:' + f'{str(sender)}', '通知内容:'] messages += [latest_notification.content] if url: messages += ['', f'<a href="{url}">阅读原文</a>'] else: messages += ['', f'<a href="{DEFAULT_URL}">查看详情</a>'] # 获取完整消息 message = '\n'.join(messages) # 获得发送应用和消息发送等级 if app is None or app == WechatApp.DEFAULT: app = _get_default_app('notification', latest_notification) check_block = app not in CONFIG.unblock_apps if check_block and (level is None or level == WechatMessageLevel.DEFAULT): level = _get_default_level('notification', latest_notification) if not check_block: level = None # 获取接收者列表,小组的接收者为其负责人,去重 receiver_ids = notifications.values_list("receiver_id", flat=True) person_receivers = get_person_receivers(receiver_ids, level) wechat_receivers = person_receivers receiver_set = set(wechat_receivers) # 接下来是发送给小组的部分 org_receivers = Organization.objects.activated().filter( organization_id__in=receiver_ids) for org in org_receivers: managers = [ manager for manager in org2receivers(org, level, force=False) if manager not in receiver_set ] wechat_receivers.extend(managers) receiver_set.update(managers) if not wechat_receivers: # 可能都不接收此等级的消息 return True send_wechat(wechat_receivers, title, message, api_path=app2path(app), **kws) return True